Step-by-Step Art Classes on Demand
Join now and get immediate access to the Art Academy Video Vault
What you'll get:
Unlimited step-by-step online art classes inside the vault.
Lessons are based on National Visual Arts Standards.
"Easy for students to use" - this is a simple virtual program students can easily navigate.
200+ hours of video content available.
The video vault is available on the website and the art app.
All ages and abilities can use it anytime, anywhere from any device they choose.
New live content is added every month.
Courses range from 30-90 minutes using any supplies.
1 Year of Online Art Enrichment Step-by-Step Classes to integrate into your students' education.

Use any supplies you want - crayons, colored pencils, markers, and paint. crayons!
The art lessons are created for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade although all ages and abilities are welcome!
Topics include:
Art Techniques
Famous Artists
And more!

*Auto-renewed each month. Cancel anytime.